Diameter: 14.0mm
Water Content: 38%
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Life Span: 1 Year
Brand: Geo Medical
These lenses have a speckled pattern which makes them blend in very well by slightly letting the natual eye color shine through. It looks a little scary, but It's not as noticable in real life as it is in the pictures. Otherwise they look very natural but still gives you that dolly eye effect.
These are the lightest lenses I own but I was actually hoping that they would be even lighter. I still think that the color is really pretty and obvious, not too vivid. It looks stunning in bright daylight and flash photographies.
These are definitely the most comofortable lenses I've ever used, probably because they're so thin and small. I can use them for a whole day without any kind of irritation.
I'm surprised of how good the enlargement effect is, considering the small diameter. The enlargement is very settle but still noticable, which is probably because of the outer dark ring.
I'm absolutely in love with these lenses! I use them almost every day since I have bad eyesight and don't want to use my glasses or my super large lenses when I just want a natural look.

I bought these lenses from PinkyParadise.com.
Click here to get them too!

I bought these lenses from PinkyParadise.com.
Click here to get them too!
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