COCOLULU Ladies Colorful High-Cut Sneakers & Double Sole Sneakers

Friday, November 9, 2012

レディース イザートハイカットスニーカー (Green, Blue and Purple)

The Green ones are so perfect (T~T) My 3 favorite colors in one single shoe! (And is just me or shouldn't the Green ones be called Purple and the Purple ones be called Green? Haha~)


Platform sneakers like these have been pretty popular for quite some time now, but I never really thought of getting a pair until I saw these. I really want the Blue ones! The color combination is amazing and I love that they're in a different color on each side of the shoe.


  1. The green one is perfect *_*

  2. aw love the pastel (mintgreen, lightblue and lightpink) shoe, is amazing *^* ~

  3. So nice! I want them all :)


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