My Favorite Apps for iPhone - Cute & Useful Apps for Editing Pictures, Socializing & Entertainment

Monday, May 13, 2013

A lot of you have been asking me which apps I use to edit my photos that I post on Instagram, so I might as well share some more apps that I use regularly. I use many more apps than the ones I'll mention in this post, but these are currently my favorite apps that I use the most.

Princess Camera - 22 kr

This is one of my favorite apps for editing my photos. I mostly use it to lighten my pictures and to add glitter and blush, but this app also has many more cute features and stamps!

Rilakkuma twippa - 28 kr

This Twitter client is definitely the cutest of them all. I just had to get it since I love Rilakkuma. You can add more than one account and you also have several super cute skins to choose from.

LINE - Free

This is a great app which allows me to chat with my friends or call them at any time - for free! It also has a big variety of cute stickers and emoticons which makes chatting even more fun.

LINE Play - Free

This app is pretty much all about dressing up your character and decorating your room, but it's still so much fun! It also has some chat features, but I rarely use them at all.

夢展望+ (Yumetenbou Plus) - Free

With this app you can see all of the latest items from  from 夢展望 and browse through their different categories. I love this app since I buy almost all of my clothes from them.

HimeNote - 7 kr

HimeNote is a cute and sparkling notebook, and I use this instead of the boring standard notepad. This is very useful for me since I always have something that I need to write don't so I don't forget it.

This is pretty much it, but like I said, I do use some more apps too. However, I hope that you found this to be useful!


  1. I love the Princess Camera app :D
    I also play line play, but it gets boring after you earn all the free gems.

  2. Princess Camera looks really cute, I haven't heard of it before :o
    Also need to check out that Rilakkuma app aww~

    ♥ Little Owl Diary

  3. The Princess Camera app looks really interesting. I also have the LINE Play app ever since my sister had introduced me to it and I have been loving it ever since! :D I am currently in the process of building my dream room, so there is rarely a boring day on there! Did not know that there was an app for exclusively Yumetenbo though. O-o


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