lovelipop DEBUT

Thursday, September 4, 2014

I proudly present "Visual Pop" Girl Group - lovelipop.

Hello, lovelies! I'm thrilled to finally tell you that I will debut as a member of lovelipop - KEIOS ENTERTAINMENT's first girl group. I am the Leader of this group and all four of us are in charge of Vocal & Dance. The other three members are Impa, Nea, and Victoria. I will give you a closer introduction of our members very soon.

I've been longing for this moment my whole life, and I'm looking forward to work on a wonderful future together with the members of lovelipop and our LOVELIES. I hope you will support us and listen to our first single, which will be released this September, a lot. Stay tuned!

Bye for now and lots of love - Lilin


  1. Ska bli så otroligt kul att se resultatet av erat jobb! ^^

  2. Trots att jag bara har hört en liten bit av eran första singel så känner jag att jag redan har blivit ett stort fan av er :p


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