Hello, lovelies! Syndromestore.com is having a SALE where your can get an accessory and get an additional accessory for 30% off! The discount applies after adding the items to your cart. This applies to all of their accessories, but I picked out some of my favorites for you to check out.
I really like chokers and I actually have the heart Choker in Black; I absolutely love it!
These are two more items that I already own and love. My BOY cap has been my favorite cap of all time ever since I got it. I have the Studded beanie in Mint, but I would love to have it black too.
I've seen quite a lot of pictures of people wearing these tights, so they seem to be quite popular. Anyhow, they are super cute and would be perfect for spicing up a simple outfit to make it look even cuter.
Cute socks like these go perfect together with 'lolita shoes'. I know there's another name for the types of shoes I mean, but I just can't remember what they're called. The lace wristbands are also really cute and simple. Both of these items are perfect fore adding a sweet touch to any outfit.
Like I said, these are only a few of my favorite items out of all the cute stuff SYNDROME has. Feel free to check out all of their accessories at Syndromestore.com
Like I said, these are only a few of my favorite items out of all the cute stuff SYNDROME has. Feel free to check out all of their accessories at Syndromestore.com
Don't forget to use my Discount Code 'lvluplilin' for a 5% Discount on your order from SYNDROME!
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