Anyway, let's take a closer look at the Starter Set!

As you can see this set contains 5 Makeup Brushes for your eyes. This set is amazing since it has all the essential brushes you need for your eye Makeup.

The back of the packaging includes a short description for each brush which explains its functions and how to use it. You can even visit their website for tutorials to get the best out of your brushes. I haven't actually watched any of their tutorials yet, but I think it's really good for those who are completely new to makeup brushes or if you're a beginner with Makeup in general.

Most of the Real Techniques brushes have a semi-matte metallic handle with a matte black end. The handles of these brushes are a gorgeous metallic purple which makes me love them even more since purple is my favorite color.

The brushes are very balanced and lightweighted which makes them easy to use. The bristles of each of these brushes are incredibly soft, even the more stiff brow brush and accent brush are really soft. It makes the application of eye makeup really smooth and everything just glides on like a dream.

The included case is a 2-in-1 case + stand which is really handy! I actually keep it standing just like in the picture above, on my desk next to my other Makeup Brushes.

Like I mentioned earlier, I absolutely love these brushes! This set is definitely a must-have for Makeup Lovers. The only brush I haven't really used yet is the fine liner brush since I currently only use regular eyeliners, but I will definitely start using it when I get a new Gel Liner.
I wanted to include an overview of the 'Sam's Picks' in this post too, but I realized that this post would become way too long with way too many pictures If I did that, so I'm going to make another Overview of the Sam's Picks Set in another post.Do you have any of the Real Techniques Makeup Brushes? If you don't, would you like to try them? Let me know in the comments!
Thanks for reading and bye for now lovelies.
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