Hi, lovelies! I'm back with another review of an amazing pair of circle lenses. The lenses I'm going to review this time are the Dolly Eye (EOS) Starry Eye in Grey.
In addition to Grey, they are also available in Blue, Brown, Green, Pink & Violet. You can get them at UNIQSO and you can also get 10% off your purchase if you use my discount code RGS10.
I absolutely adore these lenses since they are everything I've been looking for in a pair of lenses. Keep on reading if you want to know why I like them so much.
Design & Color
These are 2-toned lenses in a gorgeous Grey color. Most of the lens is a very light grey, but the limbal ring and the slightly speckled pattern is a darker grey. The color is quite opaque, but the detailed and speckled pattern which lets the natural iris shine through a little makes them blend in really well, but what contributes the most to these lenses blending in so well is the slightly 'spiky' innermost part of the lens that meets the natural iris. Other lenses that are completely round and sharp at the innermost part look very fake, in my opinion. These are not!

The picture above shows the lenses in their case. The lens on the left is turned the 'right way' and the lens to the right is turned inside out.
They look more like a natural light/ice blue when worn rather than grey which I absolutely love. When I first got these I thought that they would look very unnatural on me (which I wouldn't have minded), but I was so surprised by how natural these lenses actually look when I wear them. You can obviously see that I'm wearing lenses up close since my green eyes shine through, but from afar they actually look very natural and subtle. I'm pretty sure that no one would know that I'm wearing lenses if I had naturally blue eyes. The pattern of these lenses mimic a real iris pattern really well (even though the pattern of a real iris isn't as obvious).

These lenses are 14.8mm which is my favorite diameter when it comes to lenses. The enlarging effect is perfect in my opinion, but light-colored lenses usually give me a more subtle enlarging effect compared to dark lenses, and these are no exception.
I think I've mentioned this in many of my most recent reviews in the past, but I still to mention that my eyes have become more and more sensitive lately. Not because of wearing lenses, but just in general. In addition to that, I rarely wear circle lenses on a daily basis since I have glasses, so my eyes have to get used to circle lenses all over again almost every time I wear them. My point is that you should take what I say about the comfort with a grain of salt, since I have sensitive eyes to begin with. Anyhow, when I first put them in, I feel a little bit of discomfort and I can clearly feel that I'm wearing lenses. However, after a while they are actually very comfortable and I don't have a problem wearing them at all.

I've been looking for light grey/blue lenses that are opaque so the color actually shows up well on my eyes, are at least 14.5mm, and look somehwhat natural on my eyes. But whenever I found a pair that looked good they where either too small, the color didn't show up that well on my eyes, or they just looked really fake. However, these lenses are perfect in every aspect and I'm so happy that they lived up to my expectations.
They kind of remind me of the New EOS Adult series, except for, like I mentioned, these are a lot bigger and the color shows up so much better on my eyes.
I feel like I'm only going to repeat myself if I keep talking about what I like about these lenses, but just have to say one more time that they are really perfect in every way. I'm a little curious about how the other colors of this series would look on my eyes, so hopefully I will be able to try them in the future too. But right now I'm just really happy with this pair, and they have definitely become one of my favorite lenses ever.
You can get these Circle Lenses and many more at UNIQSO.com
Use my coupne code 'RGS10' for 10% off your purchase!
You are really cute >.<