Hi, lovelies! I've always been a big fan of Dolly Wink cosmetics and the design of their products. I used to have their old eyelash case with the pink and black polka dot design, but it has become completely worn out, so yeah. I got myself the eyelash case with the newer design from Dolly Wink. I already wanted it the first time I saw it and I honestly don't know why I didn't get it sooner.

I found some Dolly Wink cosmetics here in Seoul but I couldn't find this case, so I simply got it on eBay.

The pattern design is so cute, right? I absolutely love the lovely lavender color too. I think this pattern is a lot prettier and more unique than the old one, but the design of the case itself is pretty much the same.

Thanks for reading and bye for now~
Oh that lash case is so pretty! I've always wanted a Dollywink one~