So, first of all I got this hair dye at Olive Young here in Seoul for only a few dollars per box (around 3000-4000KRW each), which is super cheap. However, they don't contain a lot of dye so make sure to get enough boxes if you decide to try out this hair dye.

I have a problem with my hair turning too blue/green than I would like when I attempt to dye my hair grey or silver, so the fact that this hair color looks to be on the pink/purple side made me hopeful of achieving the shade of grey I desired.

One box of hair dye contains 2 packs of hair cream and 2 packs of developer, as shown in the picture above. I used 2 boxes (8 packs in total) to dye my hair. This was exactly enough to cover all of my hair, which is pretty thin & short.

Here comes the before and after. As you can see, the color turned into a really pretty grey all over my hair except on my roots where I hadn't previously bleached it.

Check out the video below to see the dying process.
Overall, I really like this hair color. It's more of a temporary dye rather than a permanent dye. The dye lasts for a couple of washes before turning into a lighter silver color. As I mentioned before, my hair easily picks up blue and green shades while having a hard time to hold onto warm tones; the tones that I want basically just run right off of my hair. However, the color turns out really pretty right after dyeing it. It's basically my ideal shade of grey for hair. Even though it faded quickly for me, I've managed to keep it a pretty nice silver color with pink & purple toners. I really recommend this hair color if you're just looking for a temporary change or if you want a good starting point to get grey/silver hair.
Thank you so much for reading! Bye for now, dreamers~
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