ダンガンロンパシリーズ × LISTEN FLAVOR

Friday, October 18, 2013


I don't watch much Anime, but Dangan Ronpa is one of the few series that I really like. I haven't played the games yet, but I'm planning to do so in the future. I love the character design and art style, so using it in a clothing collection like this one couldn't be more perfect. I really love every single one of these items and would love to add them to my closet. I'll definitely get some of them soon!

You can click on the pictures to see more information and pics.


  1. woah really nice! I love Danganronpa too and also found a few of those items before. *-* But now I can add a few more on my wishlist, thank you!

    1. Awesome! Thank you for commenting ♡


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