Hello, lovelies! In this post I'll be reviewing 4 eyeshadows from Etude House's Look At My Eyes Sparkling Milky Way collection. First, let's check out all of the colors in this eyeshadow collection.

All of the eyeshadows in this series are beautiful and sparkling (hence the name). I tried all of them at the Etude House store and the most important thing I want to mention is that they all sparkle a lot more in real life than they do in the pictures! Anyhow, the shades that I actually got are BK804 (Jewel), BR429 (Jewel), PP514 & PP512. Let's take a look!

All of these are so beautiful and the constellation prints on the cases are really cute. The BK804 looks like a hybrid of the BK803 & BK807 shades from the Melancholy Budapest Collection, and the PP512 kind of reminds me of the PK010 from that collection (Click the link to check out my review and to compare the shades in the pictures).

BK804 - A true black/dark grey with hints of very fine blue, silver and gold glitter.
BR415 - A sparkling taupe eyeshadow. It's a lot more neutral/grey in real life compared to what it looks like in the swatch on my hand.
PP514 - A muddy purple with very fine glitter and an almost metallic look.
PP512 - A pearly, pale purple with hints of very fine, blue-ish glitter. Also has an almost metallic look to it.
As always, there's not much to say except that Etude House's eyeshadows are amazing. I might be a bit biased but I really think that the pigmantation is super nice and the jewel eyeshadows are so sparkly. They even sparkle a lot more in real life than they appear to do in the pictures. I can't pick a favorite this time and have to say that I like all of these eyeshadows equally. I think the BR415 is a really good eyeshadow to use a alone for everyday wear, and The PP514, PP512 and BK804 look really good together for a nice evening/party look.
Click here to see more pictures of other eyeshadows from Etude House that I have reviewed, and reviews of many more beauty products.
Thank you so much for reading and bye for now, lovelies!
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