CandyDoll New Series (Lipgloss, Lipstick & Lip Treatment)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

CandyDoll has repackaged most of their lip products and have also added some new shades & items to the series. I love the sweet and girly concept, as well as the packaging. The Concept photos are featuring Dakota Rose, and I must say that she looks absolutely adorable!

Lipgloss / リップグロス

Passion Pink / パッションピンク

Strawberry Milk / ストロベリーミルク

Cotton Candy / コットンキャンディ

Macaron Pink / マカロンピンク


Lipstick / リップスティック

Poodle Pink / プードルピンク

 Pink Grapefruit / ピンクグレープフルーツ

 Ramune Pink / ラムネピンク

Moisture Lip Treatment



Thew new products look very promising, and my favorite one is the Lipstick in 'Poodle Pink'. I just ordered one for myself, and I'm considering to get the Lipgloss in 'Passion Pink' too. What do you think about the new series and the collaboration with Dakota Rose?


  1. Poodle Pink looks so cute <3

    1. I knooow~ I love it! It's definitely my favorite from this series!

  2. AHHHHHHH!!! So cute!! I want I want!! I want everything... not that excited that Kota is in the advertising picture though... :/

  3. Where can I buy this?? ^^ If it's online shop, is it english?? :/
    / "ninisfinis"


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