Today's Make, Reportage & Radio

Monday, March 4, 2013

SVT (Mittnytt) interviewed me for a reportage today. We talked about my job as a Makeup Artist, my style, and the upcoming Final of Melodifestivalen 2013 on Saturday. Pretty much the same things as always, but this time I also got to demonstrate a Gyaru Makeup look (on TEZSiiH)! The reportage will be aired on SVT, but I'm not sure about the exact time and date yet. Anyhow, I'll post a link as soon as the video is up on their website.

I got another call right after the interview, and it turns out that I'll be on P3 (Sveriges Radio) tomorrow at 8AM too. Make sure to tune in if you live in Sweden! I will also be doing YOHIO's Makeup for his performance at Birsta City for its 5 Year Anniversary at 6PM.

Right afterwards I gotta go home to pack since we're going to Stockholm to prepare for  Melodifestivalen later that evening.

You might have figured that I'll be very busy in the nearest future, but I'll do my best to keep you updated! Bye for now, lovelies~!


  1. Jag kommer till Birsta, jah ^^

  2. awesome! If it's being posted on the internet too you really have to link it! Would love to see it <3 =^.^=

  3. Waw!
    It's great to hear that you're doing so well! <3

  4. It was a great radio show :) Looking forward to the video ^^

  5. Vilka linser har du på bilden? ^^ (^-^)


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